Fix error 0xc1900101 when updating Windows 11 (Parallels / Mac)

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A fairly common problem encountered by Mac users who have installed the operating system Windows through parallels app, it's error 0xc1900101 when updating Windows 11, via Windows Updates.

For systems Windows PC, error code 0xc1900101 is most often associated with driver issues during the system update process Windows 11. This means that one or more drivers installed on the computer may be incompatible with the new version of Windows and thus block the update.

In the case of operating systems Windows 11 installed virtually using Parallels on Mac, the error is also generated by drivers, as on Windows PC, only driver management is done through the application.

Resolving error 0xc1900101 when updating the system Windows 11 installed with Parallels on Mac

1. Turn off the operating system Windows 11 (Shut Down) but leaves the system window open in the Parallels application.

2. Go to the top right to the button with the configuration options of Windows 11.

3. In the configuration options of Windows 11 access the settings for Hardware (at the top of the panel), go to the settings for Hard Disk, then click on the button for advanced settings (Advanced).

In the image below I have illustrated the exact steps above.

4. In the location settings, the format for NVMe is most likely selected. Select the SATA 0:1 location, then click the "OK" button.

Change Hard Disk Location
Change Hard Disk Location

Related: Tutorials for operating systems Windows and installation solutions Windows on Mac computers.

After this last step, restart the operating system Windows 11 and resume the update process (Windows Updates). Everything should work without the 0xc1900101 error when installing updates Windows.

For Windows PC, error code 0xc1900101 when updating Windows 11 may occur due to driver incompatibilities or corrupt drivers. The error can also be caused by hardware problems, especially hard disk problems, or insufficient space to download and install updates Windows 11.

I am happy to share my experiences in the field of computers, mobile phones and operating systems, to develop web projects and to bring the most useful tutorials and advice. I like to "play" on the iPhone, MacBook Pro, iPad, AirPort Extreme and on operating systems macOS, iOS, Android and Windows.

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