Where they are located macOS System Icons & Default Folders Icons

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icons (s) from the macOS decorates almost everything we find in Finder. Personal folder icons, system folder and file icons. These can be seen by decorating the folders in the bar on the left Finder, as well as in the distance Finder.


amateurs OS customization I can use folder folders system and to personal folders… or even can change graphics of the original ones. For these things to be possible, we must have access to the original icons files. Compared to the operating system Windows, the icons are not in format Ico, but in the format .icns.

Where do we find the original icons of folders and files on macOS

To locate them, we go in Finder the "Go”>“Go to Folder … ”And enter the path:



In the folder "Resources” we find all the icons (ICNS) used on the system macOS.


You can open these files in your application Preview a macOS, but before editing it is highly recommended to make a backup copy of the original ones.


How-To Locate & Access All macOS System Icons (.icns)

I am happy to share my experiences in the field of computers, mobile phones and operating systems, to develop web projects and to bring the most useful tutorials and advice. I like to "play" on the iPhone, MacBook Pro, iPad, AirPort Extreme and on operating systems macOS, iOS, Android and Windows.

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