how to fix Windows 11 Widgets Not Properly Working

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Windows 11 comes with many new features on the design side, including the new widget field (Windows 11 Widgets) in which they are delivered weather condition (weather), news, sports news, Exchange and other information from various sources "by Microsoft".

After Microsoft officially launched Windows 11 in the "preview" version, many users they have intimacypinhas problems with loading Windows 11 Widgets. Although the field dedicated to widgets opens immediately, they do not load and remain empty. Blank.

Fortunately, this problem is easily solved, and most likely in future versions of Windows 11 she will no longer exist at all.

How do we make widgets appear in Windows 11 / How to fix Windows 11 Widgets not working properly

From what it seems, this problem occurs on laptops and PCs with display- small ones or with an integrated video chip of an older generation / Intel HD Graphics 4000  e.g.

We can make widgets Windows 11 to appear in the new field dedicated to them, if we deactivate and reactivate the video driver. We do this by following the steps:

1. right click button Home from Windows 11, then click on “Device Manager".

2. In “Device Manager” we go toDisplay adapters", then double-click the driver display. Intel (R) HD Graphics 4000 in our case.

3. In the box that opens go to "Driver", then click onDisable device” and confirm the action when you will be asked if you are sure you want to do this. After disabling the driver for display, the screen will remain black for a few seconds.

After the image returns, we go and open it Windows 11 Widgets. We will notice that these are listed correctly, but the transparency effect of Windows 11 UI. We return to "Diver" and activate the driver for display. "Enable Device".

Unfortunately this setting will not be maintained after restarting the operating system Windows 11, but I am convinced that in the next period the problem of listing Windows 11 Widgets will be solved with a driver update for display.

I am happy to share my experiences in the field of computers, mobile phones and operating systems, to develop web projects and to bring the most useful tutorials and advice. I like to "play" on the iPhone, MacBook Pro, iPad, AirPort Extreme and on operating systems macOS, iOS, Android and Windows.

3 thoughts on “How to Fix Windows 11 Widgets Not Properly Working"

  1. Hello,

    If you're talking about Intel HD Graphics 4000 (mine a 3000), it's because you've cheated before, like me. By installing W11 on an old PC in Legacy Mbr without TPM and without Safe Boot and in Local account (W11 Pro)… how it is on the Net, the parade is already found
    And if the analysis of the CPU model needs to be blocked, it is not a concern either.

    However, the problem will only be solved for those with a Microsoft account, as well as on recent devices for fingerprint reader or facial recognition, etc.
    Not found yet, I have to board this side là
    But boff


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